- After nearly five years, the dispute between the DiStefanos and Westminster Club has been resolved by the Honorable Sean P. Lugg, Judge of the Superior Court of Delaware, in favor of the DiStefanos.
- This prolonged and costly litigation could have been avoided in a matter of days back in 2019 if Westminster Club had acknowledged that the land maintained by the DiStefanos for almost 50 years was rightfully part of their backyard. Instead, Westminster Club’s refusal to recognize the DiStefanos’ claim forced them to initiate a lawsuit, a dispute Westminster Club was ultimately destined to lose.
- Two years into the dispute, Westminster Club capitulated, transferring the land to the DiStefanos without gaining anything. However, the dispute did not end there; Westminster Club proceeded to file an unrelated and frivolous countersuit, seemingly out of spite. This countersuit was decisively settled in the DiStefanos’ favor, as reflected in Judge Lugg’s opinion published on February 27, 2024.
- The financial toll of this legal ordeal exceeded $30,000 in attorney fees for the DiStefanos, with Westminster Club likely incurring a similar expense.